It’s the Overlord’s birthday (All Hail!) and many festivities are taking place. (He is particularly entertained by the fire-eaters.) The minions of Tabletop Adventures invite you to join us as we celebrate by holding a sale in his honor! Now through November 25th, get any of Tabletop Adventures’ electronic products at 30% off the regular price, at DriveThruRPG.
This is your chance to pick up any Tabletop Adventures products you are missing, or try something a little different. For instance, check out our newest product! NPC Solos: Cap’n Marcroft, Rogue & Rake is the first in a line of occasional products focused around a single NPC. Get a back story to use (or ignore) and PFRPG1 stats for Marcroft at five different levels of scoundrel.
Also check out our Historical Fantasy line of products, now up to a dozen classics from the distant early years of 3rd Edition, brought back into publication by Tabletop Adventures. The latest there is I, Mordred, featuring a dark Camelot where Arthur is an aging, bitter king and Mordred is the champion of the people against their oppressor.
Get support for your futuristic space RPG, modern horror game, or fantasy setting. Join in as the minions, using processions and pageantry, attempt to bring a little cheer to the ever-stern face of the Overlord (All Hail!) without actually having to fight any wild animals. Celebrate the Overlord’s birthday by buying yourself a present, from Tabletop Adventures!