The Little People (Plain Brown Wrapper)


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Sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful, fairies were once both feared and revered for their magical powers and winsome ways. The Little People is an excellent source for historically accurate fairies and includes:

  • Information on fairy characteristics, culture, and their interactions with humans
  • A unique perspective on how fairies differed among Celtic regions
  • 3rd Edition stats for all the famous ones you know such as Oberon, Puck, and the Leprechaun
  • A system for creating original fairies of your own
  • Suggestions for incorporating fairies into your campaign

Not some “bold, new vision” of the fey, these are the fairies as they were perceived by the people who believed in them.

The Little People is a supplement for the book Celtic Age and benefits from being used with certain custom mechanics introduced in that book. Originally published in 2002 by Avalanche Press, this classic is being brought back into publication by Tabletop Adventures.

82 pages total

Available now at DriveThruRPG and coming soon to our other electronic sales sites!