Written with the possibility of romantic relationships in mind, this product contains answers to the problem of lonely adventurers, and more.
Should you have a character who is looking for a little romance, now you have a resource to help you get started, complete with statistics for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game 1E. However, tender moments are not the only use for these NPCs. These fully-detailed human, elven, and half-elven characters can be used as anything from bit players to members of an adventuring party to major personages in your campaign.
Most characters include scenario suggestions, plot hooks, and an introductory narrative that makes it easy to introduce the character into your campaign. Character backgrounds and motivations are provided to allow you to play the characters as three-dimensional people with their own goals and desires. Most have complete statistics for two or even three levels so that you can fit them into your campaign at the level that works best for you. (Challenge ratings range from 1/2 to 11.)
As always we have taken care that the descriptions can be used to enhance most fantasy settings and fit into your existing campaign or situation as easily as possible. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game statistics are offered for your convenience, but the characters are well-enough developed that you could use them in other game systems, because they don’t depend on their stats to be interesting.
With cover artwork by Brenna Alyn Walters, interior art by Rob Hughes and character depictions by Gillian Pearce and Marina Badani (among others), Shards of the Heart (PFRPG) offers plenty of visual stimulation to get your creativity flowing.
Loaded with character descriptions, backgrounds, motivations, plot hooks, artwork, and a fresh, updated layout, Shards of the Heart (PFRPG1) is made for you, to ease the lives of Harried Game Masters everywhere.
This is part of the “Harried Game Master” line of products, providing the materials we’ve always wished to have.
Tabletop Adventures – Whatever you play, we’ve got your back!