Charon’s Wall is a spaceport which has seen better days. Built at the bottom of a high cliff, it is gray and shadowed, with outdated facilities and equipment. However, it has one major benefit – it’s cheap. Frequented by spacers who are down on their luck, as well as outright criminals, it is also visited by those who find its location convenient – and those who are unexpecting. Right now the spaceport is even more dilapidated than usual, having been heavily damaged in an unprecedented aerial attack. The defenses have been destroyed and the runways are pocked with bomb craters, but business goes on at Charon’s Wall.
The Destinations series by Tabletop Adventures is your gateway to the universe, providing flexible, creative, stat-free settings that you can use to bring life and adventure to virtually any game system.
Charon’s Wall is described in three sections: an Introduction, including background information and a description of what the spaceport looks like to incoming traffic; Spaceport Layout, with details about what’s left on the ground and what’s inside The Wall; and Bringing Charon’s Wall to Life, which gives tips and plot hooks that could be useful in nearly any science fiction campaign. Text is provided to read aloud directly to your players if desired, giving descriptions of the various areas of the port. Also featured is an inspiring illustration of the location by artist Jeff Uryasz.
The download file includes the color PDF and a text version of the file for easy printing or use by people who prefer to adjust the text size.
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