Celtic Age (Plain Brown Wrapper)

Cover of "Celtic Age" by Tabletop Adventures


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At the time of Christ, a legendary culture was on the rise in northern Europe. Two millennia later they would be remembered for their reverence of nature, their positive treatment of women, and their courage in battle. Had they been allowed to expand and grow, they might have had their own Golden Age and Western culture might be very different today. Instead they met the Romans, who eventually conquered them all. These magnificent people were the Celts, and this is their story.

This volume is the distillation of a culture that spanned hundreds of years and thousands of miles. Celtic Age is an excellent source for historically accurate information about the Celts, much of which is entirely system neutral. It includes:

  • Who the Celts were
  • What they held holy
  • Why they battled each other
  • The monsters they fought – both real and mythical – along with 3rd Edition stats
  • 3rd Edition rules for playing Celtic characters, including custom rules to give the feel of the civilization

Full of tips for using this material in a roleplaying game, Celtic Age can be a resource to any GM who wants to bring the unique flavor of the Celts to a game. Originally published in 2002 by Avalanche Press, it won the 2002 Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Supplement. Now this classic is being brought back into circulation by Tabletop Adventures.

195 pages total

Available now at DriveThruRPG and coming soon to our other electronic sales sites!

If you are interested in using Celtic culture in your RPG, also check out The Little People, a book of details about fairies as viewed by the historical Celts. Now also available from Tabletop Adventures!