200 descriptions to bring new life to your cities. Answer that age-old question, “So what do we see as we walk down the street?” This provides short “bits” of description and colorful settings for any medieval fantasy city, regardless of the system. This is created to be an “on the go” product, which means you don’t need to read the entire work before you can use it. The descriptions are designed so that they can be randomly generated as you play or placed carefully ahead of time. It is written to be of use to both experienced and inexperienced Game Masters, particularly those who (for whatever reason) find themselves short on time or creativity.
This book includes 100 Bits of description, small pieces that can be stuck in anywhere a little description is needed, and are numbered so they can be used randomly. Each Bit is also provided in index card format for ease of use by Game Masters. In addition, there are 100+ other descriptions that may depict a particular place or event, or set a feel for an area. These additional descriptions include a special section on Walls and Gates, features often encountered by the visiting adventurer.
The material is indexed a number of ways to allow a GM to easily find a description to fit a particular circumstance. Also, an article on the location and organization of cities is presented to help the GM add a little realism to the fantasy city. Some descriptions are graphically depicted in the interior art by the Carmona Brothers and Christine Griffin.
48 pages plus index cards; 65 pages total.
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Augment your imagination with products from Tabletop Adventures. This is part of the “Harried Game Master” line of products, providing the materials we’ve always wished to have.
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