Welcome to Bits of Magicka: Pocket Items, a short product in the Bits of Magicka line by Tabletop Adventures!
Have you ever had idle party scoundrels eye passersby in the street in your campaign cities, and try their hand at a little pocket picking? All of a sudden, you have to come up with not only a description of possible targets, but some idea of what they might be carrying that is commensurate with the risk. Too often, this devolves into fleecing commoners for a handful of copper and silver, before the inevitable hue and cry and pursuit by the local town guards.
This is where Bits of Magicka: Pocket Items comes in. This excellent product presents you with a score of juicy targets carrying items of potential interest, including in each case a magical item of some kind. Not only do you have a wealth of interesting, but not overbalanced, loot for the enterprising cutpurses in your group to steal, but also some idea of who would be carrying it, why, and what the potential consequences might be once the victim discovers the theft.
So sit back and relax, knowing that the next time your characters’ thieving instincts kick in, you’ll be ready for them; quite possibly to their woe!
Item cards are provided in addition to the text, giving a summary of the physical description and 3.5E stats. GMs can hand these cards to players, to retain for future reference. We have also included a text-only version that can be used to cut and paste directly into your GM notes or sized into a large print version for those who prefer larger type.
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This is part of the “Harried Game Master” line of products, providing the materials we’ve always wished to have.
20 pages plus item cards; 28 pages total