Legendary Sales

Our GM’s Day sale is still in full swing! Of course, we are not the only company with special offers this week. Our friends at Legendary Games have a sale going on of all their adventures, specially priced at 30% off through March 7th. Just go to their website and use the coupon code 2018GMSALE when you purchase adventures. They have material for both the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and 5th Edition. The sale also includes their Legendary Planet line of swashbuckling interplanetary adventures! Hurry in to get some of these great adventures now.

As a reminder, our own sale is going on at five electronic RPG stores: the Open Gaming Store, Paizo store, RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, and Steve Jackson Games’ Warehouse 23.


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Happy GM’s Day!

GM’s Day is here, and Tabletop Adventures salutes all the people who run the games we all love to play. In fact, our company started because a couple of GMs said, “We have all this material we’ve developed for games over the years; we ought to be able to publish some of this and make some money.” (We’re slightly amused now by our former naiveté; of the many thousands of words we have published, only a few hundred of them were among those written before we started the company.)

We found ourselves making products we wished we had to use in our own games. Bits of the Boulevard was the solution to players who couldn’t just say, “We go to the blacksmith,” and carry on with the game. Instead, their characters wanted to know, “What do we see as we walk down the street?” Now, between Bits of the Boulevard and Shards of the City, we provide something like 275 interesting things to see or encounter in a fantasy city.

We say we provide “Help for the Harried Gamemaster,” because we know what it’s like to try to run a game (or two) and prepare in between work responsibilities, childcare, dealing with family issues, meal preparation, paying bills, running around town trying to take care of all the little things that take so much time, and so much more. (“Frankly, I’m swamped!”) We noticed, in our own games, that evocative description was one of the first things to go when time got tight and attention was pulled in too many directions. 

That’s why we’re pleased to provide so many different types of descriptions, to make life easier for other harried gamemasters. Thank you, GMs, for all you give to make our collective recreation a reality. We’re privileged to publish material that we hope fires your imagination and makes your games better. Happy GM’s Day!

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GM’s Day is Coming!

GM’s Day is March 4th, but Tabletop Adventures is beginning our celebration now! For the next week, our entire line of electronic products will be on sale at 30% off the usual prices. You can get this special discount now at Steve Jackson Games’ Warehouse 23, RPGNow, and DriveThruRPG, and we hope to add additional sales sites to the sale as the week goes on. (Edit: In fact, the sale is also available at the Open Gaming Store and at the Paizo Store.) Take advantage of this discount to treat yourself, or pick up some help for the Harried Game Master in your life.

Augment your imagination, with products from Tabletop Adventures!


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One More Night of RPG Romance!

There are only a few hours left in our Valentine sale, which features all our NPC products at 20% off their usual prices. Of course, Shards of the Heart features more than 20 NPCs that were written with romance in mind. However, the characters in Shards of the City can be useful for that purpose as well! (See below.) On top of that, three of the Deck O’ Names name generators are included in the sale. You can get this discount at the Open Gaming Store, RPGNow, and DriveThruRPG.

One character from Shards of the City who could be a romantic interest for a player character is Terrance Olmerson. Although a notorious bandit by reputation, he is not necessarily recognizable to the average person. This allows him to occasionally go to a tavern in town incognito (or actually in disguise), gathering information or just getting out for a drink. Under those circumstances, someone could catch his eye (or vice versa) and a relationship begin to develop. No doubt he would have an excuse for seldom being in town: being a traveling messenger or a buyer for a distant merchant, for example.

Terrance Olmerson                           CR 10

Human Rogue 11
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +16


AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 15 (+5 Armor, +4 Dex)
hp 39
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +5
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +3, Improved Uncanny Dodge


Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Short Sword +13/+8 (1d6+1/17-20)
Ranged Masterwork Composite Shortbow +12 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks Sneak attack +6d6


Str 10, Dex 19 (+4), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 14 (+2)
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 22
Feats Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative, Deft Hands, Deceitful, Stealthy, Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (Short Sword)
Skills Bluff +18, Climb +14, Disable Device +20, Disguise +18, Escape Artist +20, Knowledge: Local +10, Perception +16, Sense Motive +11, Stealth +20, Use Magic Device +15
Languages Common, Orc
Special Qualities Trapfinding +5, Rogue Talents (Fast Stealth, Finesse Rogue, Trap Spotter, Resiliency), Advanced Talents (Opportunist)
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (2), Potion of Invisibility, Antitoxin (2)
Other Gear +2 Short Sword, Masterwork Composite Shortbow, 30 Arrows, +2 Studded Leather, Noble’s Outfit, Disguise Kit, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, Cloak of Resistance +1, Masterwork Thieves Tools, 300 gp

Open Game License
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RPG Romance Goes On

Once again Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but RPG Romance lives on! Furthermore, the Tabletop Adventures’ Valentine Sale is still open, through February 19th.

Although the book Shards of the City is not specifically written to provide love interests for player characters, the NPCs inside can do just that. (It will be on sale at 20% off its usual price through February 19th at the Open Gaming StoreRPGNow, and DriveThruRPG. Pick up a copy today!)

Nia Baker has been bringing goods to the marketplace for so long, everyone is sure they know all about her. Her mother is some sort of herbwoman who lives just out of town, and she loves to bake. Nia brings the baked goods to town and sells them in a stall in the weekly market. Experienced and sure of herself, Nia has matured from the quiet young lady she once was. She has shown herself to be an excellent mediator of quarrels, and to be astute in reading people’s motivations.

What people don’t recall is that her mother is a true druid. Nia herself is trained in the druid’s way with nature and is growing strong in nature magic. She still attends the bakery booth, to keep an ear out for strange things going on in the area, but also spends time patrolling the forest near the city and keeping it safe from foul creatures.

A pretty woman, Nia could be merely the recipient of a flirtation from a player character. However, she could also be a useful ally and source of information for characters needing to know what is going on outside of town. (See Shards of the City for more plot hooks involving Nia and her mother.)

Nia the Baker                        CR 5

Human Druid 6
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +10


AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 15 (+2 Dex, +1 Dodge, +5 Armor)
hp 33
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8
Defensive Abilities Bramble Armor (Plant Domain Ability), Resist Nature’s Lure


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Scimitar +4 (1d6, 19-20)
Ranged Dart +2 (1d4)
Special Attacks Wooden Fist (as per the Plant Domain power)

Class Spells Prepared (CL 2; concentration +5)
3rd— Call Lightning, Daylight, Plant Growth (Domain)
2nd— Cat’s Grace, Flame Blade, Spider Climb, Bark Skin (Domain)
1st— Speak With Animals, Faerie Fire, Cure Light Wounds, Entangle (Domain)
0th (at will)— Create Water, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Mending


Str 11, Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 17 (+4), Cha 17 (+3)
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Dodge, Natural Spell, Mobility
Skills Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +12, Knowledge (Nature) +12, Perception +10, Profession (Baker) +6, Survival +12, Sense Motive +10
Languages Common, Druidic
Special Qualities Nature Bond (Plant Domain), Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride, Wild Shape (2/day)
Combat Gear Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (2), Thunderstone (2), Scroll of Call Lightning,
Other Gear +1 Hide Armor, Masterwork Scimitar, 10 Darts, Pearl of Power (1st)

Open Game License
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Forest Woman’s Daughter

The NPC book Shards of the City provides several characters who could end up as love interests for player-character adventurers. One is Nia, a young druid. Her mother is also a druid with a hobby of baking. Niara (the older woman) has for years used her hobby to have a booth in the market of a nearby city, meeting people there and finding out what is going on in the town and elsewhere. In the book, Nia has taken over the market chores as her mother concentrates her time on other things.

While she is also a druid, the cityfolk think of her as just a baker’s apprentice from a little way out of town. For now Nia usually keeps a low profile in the city but eventually she is going to surprise them. Danger to or abuse of animals would certainly get a strong reaction from her, and a protector of animals would earn her admiration and interest.

Nia the Baker                        CR 1

Human Druid 2

N Medium Humanoid (Human)

Init +2; Senses Perception +6


AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 Dodge, +2 Armor)

hp 11

Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6


Speed 30 ft.

Melee Club +1 (1d6)

Ranged Dart +2 (1d4)

Special Attacks Wooden Fist (as per the Plant Domain power)

Class Spells Prepared (CL 2; concentration +5)

1st— Speak With Animals, Faerie Fire, Entangle (Domain)

0th (at will)— Create Water, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Mending


Str 11, Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 13 (+1), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 17 (+3)

Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13

Feats Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Dodge

Skills Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Perception +6, Profession (Baker) +6, Survival +8

Languages Common, Druidic

Special Qualities Nature Bond (Plant Domain), Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Woodland Stride

Combat Gear Scroll of Cure Light Wounds (2), Thunderstone (2)

Other Gear Masterwork Leather Armor, Masterwork Club, 10 Darts

Open Game License

Shards of the City will be on sale at 20% off its usual price through February 19th at the Open Gaming StoreRPGNow, and DriveThruRPG. Pick up a copy today!

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Hot Time in the City

The book Shards of the City is full of NPCs and street scenes with which the player characters can interact. Each character write-up has plot hooks, suggesting ways to involve the NPC with the adventurers. Most are focused on a city environment, though a couple even include possible… personal entanglements.

In keeping with our usual February theme of RPG romance, this month we’ll offer some suggestions for ways player characters might become romantically involved with some of the NPCs from Shards of the City. In addition, although the book itself is system neutral and has no stats to contend with, we’ll offer game statistics for a couple of the NPCs, specifically for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

The book opens with “The Third Hanging of Terrance Olmerson,” a scene where Terrance—an experienced rogue who has managed to thwart the authorities before—is being carried to the gallows again. A group could interact with the events here, but probably wouldn’t have much chance to interact with Terrance himself.

A better opportunity to develop a relationship might come if adventurers encounter a younger Terrance. Perhaps the meeting comes shortly after his first hanging, when he’s beginning to gain notoriety. He would have some experience, a small but loyal company, and his sharp wit, but still be making his name.

At that point, Terrance might be struck by the looks of a victim and strike up a flirtation or try to persuade the traveler to come back with him to the bandit camp for a while. He might even be moved to seek out the object of his attraction in town, probably in disguise.

In these stats for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Terrance Olmerson is a human rogue level 6.

Terrance Olmerson                           CR 5

Human Rogue 6

N Medium Humanoid (Human)

Init +6; Senses Perception +11


AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 14 (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)

hp 39

Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +4

Defensive Abilities Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +2


Speed 30 ft.

Melee +1 Short Sword +9 (1d6+1/19-20)

Ranged Masterwork Composite Shortbow +9 (1d6/x3)

Special Attacks Sneak attack +3d6


Str 10, Dex 18 (+4), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 14 (+2)

Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 18

Feats Weapon Finesse, Improved Inititave, Deft Hands, Deceitful, Stealthy

Skills Bluff +13, Climb +9, Disable Device +15, Disguise +13, Escape Artist +15, Knowledge: Local +10, Perception +11, Sense Motive +11, Stealth +15

Languages Common, Orc

Special Qualities Trapfinding +3, Rogue Talents (Fast Stealth, Finesse Rogue, Trap Spotter)

Combat Gear Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2)

Other Gear +1 Short Sword, Masterwork Composite Shortbow, 30 Arrows, +1 Studded Leather, Noble’s Outfit, Disguise Kit, Thieves Tools, 50 gp

Terrance Olmerson is a dark-haired rogue who leads a group of bandits that robs travelers on the road to a near-by town. He is often genial, even gallant, as long as his victims do not resist. Those who cooperate will be inconvenienced but rarely harmed, while those who put up a fight can expect to lose their lives.

Open Game License

Shards of the City will be on sale at 20% off its usual price through February 19th at the Open Gaming StoreRPGNow, and DriveThruRPG. Pick up a copy today!


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Obligatory Valentine Sale!

Shards of the Heart is on sale in honor of Valentine’s Day! Until February 19th, you can get both versions for 20% off their regular price. Written with the possibility of romantic relationships in mind, Shards of the Heart contains 20+ answers to the problem of lonely PCs. These fully-detailed human, elven, and half-elven characters are suitable for romantic diversions or liaisons. However, they could also be anything from bit players to major personages in your campaign. Most characters include scenario suggestions, an introductory narrative that can be read out loud if desired, and plot hooks for ways to use the character in your game. Shards of the Heart is available with character stats for either the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, or 3.5 Edition.

In addition, Shards of the City (the other NPC product by Tabletop Adventures) is also included in this sale. While the characters in Shards of the City were not written with romance in mind, they might be persuaded by the right adventurer! The characters in this book are all system neutral and stat-free, so they can be easily used in any fantasy roleplaying game.

If you’re not running a fantasy game, we still have you covered. Need a name for that special someone? Whether it’s a new love interest or a jealous rival, the Deck O’ Names can produce interesting, unusual names on the fly. Mix and match the printable cards, or use the electronic generator, which runs in a web browser. Use Deck 1 for pronounceable fantasy or futuristic names, Modern for something from the near past to near future, and Japanese to enhance any game in that setting. All of these Deck O’ Names products are now 20% off!

This sale will continue through February 19th at the Open Gaming Store, RPGNow, and DriveThruRPG. Plan something a little special for gaming this Valentine’s Day!


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It’s a Forty Below Sale!

The weather prediction this weekend here in the Overlord’s domain is for cold and more cold. Some say it might get down to 40 below. (Even the Overlord’s heart isn’t that cold!) Or that might be “just the wind chill” – as if that makes everything better.

Nothing warms the Overlord’s heart like selling some products, so the minions are avoiding his icy displeasure by setting all Tabletop Adventures products to an unheard-of 40% discount for this weekend – now through January 1.

Bluster through Bits of the Wilderness: Into the Mountains, or laugh at winter from the cold of space with Into the Future: Derelict Starships. All the books of description (fantasy, sci-fi, and modern horror) are on sale, along with the Deck O’ Names random name generator products and Against the Darkness, the Vatican horror roleplaying game. To sum up, everything is included in the sale. (The minions’ fingers are too cold to bother sorting anything out.)

This sale is going on at both RPGNow and DriveThruRPG. Don’t wait to pick up some great products at this special discount, because Jan. 2 it will be gone like an icicle in the sun. Fire your imagination with cool products from Tabletop Adventures!

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They Say it’s Your Birthday

It’s that time of year again – the Overlord’s Birthday! The minions are all scurrying around, trying to fine things that will make him happy.

One enterprising person made him a birthday cake with one of his favorite things on the top. Do you know how hard it is to depict an oubliette in frosting? The Overlord was not impressed. However, he has granted mercy for a sincere attempt and has agreed to give the baker another try next year. In the meantime, that minion is getting a chance to study the oubliette in greater detail, up close and personal.

The minions know one reliable thing that always makes the Overlord happy – selling lots of products! Therefore they have declared a great sale in his honor. For the rest of November, all Tabletop Adventures’ electronic products are 30% off on all our sales sites.

Now is the perfect time to pick up any Tabletop Adventures products you are missing, or try something a little different. Get support for your futuristic space game with the Destinations series, or Into the Future: Derelict Starships. Creep into some modern horror with Against the Darkness Vatican horror roleplaying game or the descriptions in Halls of Horror. Give one of our Deck O’ Names name generators a try – they are fun and useful for future, modern, fantasy, or Japanese-themed campaigns.

Running a fantasy game? Let Shards of the City or Bits of the Boulevard bring life to your city, introduce a unique NPC from Shards of the Heart (PFRPG or 3.5), or add a little magic with our Bits of Magicka series. Last but not least, don’t miss any of the fantasy terrain descriptions in the Bits of Darkness or Bits of the Wilderness series. Augment your imagination with any of the products from Tabletop Adventures!

Do not fail to take advantage of the Overlord’s generosity! Slackers are likely to find themselves joining the unfortunate minion in the oubliette, which is not a nice place to spend the winter. Tabletop Adventures’ electronic products are on sale now at the Open Gaming Store, Paizo.com, Warehouse 23DriveThruRPG, and RPGNow.

Any Game, Any Time – Tabletop Adventures.

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