Happy New Year!

Chinese New Year, that is. In celebration, Tabletop Adventures has put our historical fantasy product Jade and Steel (about mythic China) on sale at a 15% discount through February 4. Taking this time to recognize the presence of Chinese influence and options in roleplaying, we also present a compilation of several other products on DriveThruRPG that focus on China. These are primarily fantasy products that deal with ancient China, but there are some others toward the end of the list.

The product that may be the most use with Jade and Steel is Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Three Kingdoms China, which presents more historical information about that evocative period of Chinese history. It seems to be mostly system-neutral, with a supplement on using the material with Savage Worlds and a couple other systems.

One specialized book useful for a game in a China-like setting is Blades of the Lunar Kingdom, which presents historical information and magical swords for 5th edition D&D. Another is Mythic Monsters #38: China from Legendary Games, which includes half-a- dozen dragons plus other creatures from Chinese history and myth. In need of an adventure based on Chinese folklore? Try Moon Daughter’s Fate, available for several systems from our friends at Frog God Games.

Related maps are Map of China Circa 506 BC and Tall Ships 16: Chinese Junk Fleet. Thematic elements that could be used for making a map, or possibly for play with a VTT, are in Worldographer Ancient China Battlemat, Settlement, and World/Kingdom Map Icons.

A stand-alone game set in mythic China is Qin, The Warring States. Using a custom system, it allows a different style of roleplaying in a similar ancient setting. Another different system is supported in GURPS Classic: China, which uses GURPS Third Edition.

If old-school systems are more your thing, you could check out the original Asian setting for D&D in Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms, or see Mad Monks of Kwantoom for Labyrinth Lord (or other OSR systems), by Kabuki Kaiser.

Interested in recent, rather than ancient, China? Take a look at Old Shanghai Sourcebook, a system-free setting for 1930s China to use with pulp, modern, horror, or other genres. Speaking of horror, the World of Darkness has its own Chinese-inspired sourcebooks, such as Bloodline – Qín Hùwèi, and Clanbook: Jiang Shi, about the unusual vampires of China.

Finally, the list wraps up with some resources on China and other nearby Asian countries. For inspiration on clothing and more, see India, China & The Tartar Tribes: The History Of Dress, Arms & Tools Reference Collection, a set of full-color illustrations. Focused on the area of western China is World Building Library: Tibetan Dress, Arms & Armor from Expeditious Retreat Press. That company has a series of short products on Tibet (and others on India) in their “World Building Library” line. Also from Expeditious Retreat Press is A Magical Society: Silk Road. This covers overland trade such as the historical trade routes through Central Asia, and could provide excellent information for a GM who wants to link a Chinese-inspired area to an existing campaign world.

We hope all these ideas will help GMs change up the standard quasi-medieval European roleplaying setting for something with a different feel. Augment your imagination with products from Tabletop Adventures!

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Final Stocking Stuffer – Tree of Lights

Presenting our final Stocking Stuffer for the 2024 holiday season: the Tree of Lights! This magical ‘tree’, which springs into reality from a flat gold disk, provides light, protection, and a boost to morale, in the dark places of the world. You can download it here: Tree of Lights

You can get all four Stocking Stuffers here on the Tabletop Adventures website through January 6th, 2025. Remember each file includes a coupon for a 20% discount at DriveThruRPG on any single order of Tabletop Adventures material, good through January 15, 2025.

Also remember that all of Tabletop Adventures’ “best sellers” are on sale now at DriveThruRPG, also through January 6th.

We hope your holiday season is enjoyable and that it includes plenty of gaming!

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Lodestar Candle

A thick yellow-orange candle burns with a bright glowThe Lodestar Candle sends a bright light into the sky, to guide travelers to a destination, or perhaps to guide wanderers home. With a limited number of uses, this is an item that does not need to be unique in a GM’s world. (Perhaps a wizard creates them in different colors, for the signaling purposes of different groups.) Stats are provided for Pathfinder RPG 1st edition, but it could easily be used in a number of other systems. In addition the file includes a coupon code to use at DriveThruRPG for a 20% discount off any single purchase of Tabletop Adventures products through January 15, 2025. Download the PDF here: Lodestar Candle

This little Stocking Stuffer is provided by Tabletop Adventures as one way we are celebrating the holiday season. Check our previous blog posts for other pieces and watch for another item or two before Christmas. These special seasonal magic items will be available only for a limited time so be sure to download them soon. May your holiday include good gaming!

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Tabletop Adventures’ Best Sellers

Recently the question was raised of which products are our best sellers. We decided it wouldn’t be fair to compare the sales of products that had been available for nearly 20 years with ones that were published more recently, so instead we used the years 2021-2024. (We realize 2024 isn’t quite over yet, but this is an informal survey, so it’s close enough.) In celebration of all this information, we are offering 10% off all our top-selling titles from now through Monday, January 6, 2025. And now, our best sellers, by genre or category:

In Fantasy, Bits of the Wilderness: Into the Wildwood beat out its competitors in a close count. Bits of the Wilderness products in general were the top items, selling (in broad terms) about 25% more than the Bits of Darkness, which was the second category, followed by City Descriptions.

In Modern, Halls of Horror has the lead but Against the Darkness was close behind.

In Future, Into the Future: Derelict Starships was closely followed by Destinations: Repair Statin 7-Osiris, which makes sense given that together they make up our popular Future Horror BUNDLE.

In Historical Fantasy, Celtic Age (and the related The Little People) had the edge, probably because that entire category is relatively new to Tabletop Adventures and those two products were the first. Despite a disadvantage of several months, though, Vlad the Impaler: Blood Prince of Wallachia was a close third.

In the Deck o’ Names category, the Anglo Saxon Places products were most popular, with the Anglo Saxon Places Generator having a slight lead over the Card Deck. This was somewhat of a surprise, because we were expecting the top items to be the Card Deck 1 and Generator 1, which produce general fantasy (or futuristic) names, but the customers have spoken.

In Free Products, the most popular item was The One Page Dungeon Codex Deluxe, 2009 – which is fair, because it’s a beautiful full-color book with some great content. We had nothing to do with the writing there, but were happy to assist the community in getting the book into a limited print run back in 2010. The runner-up was our fantasy-themed Weekly Planning Calendar.

Curious to know the best-selling Tabletop Adventures product of our first twenty years? We were, so we checked and found that Bits of the Wilderness: Into the Wildwood outdid the next competitor (which was our initial product, Bits of Darkness: Dungeons) by 120 sales.

Check out these popular titles, and augment your imagination with products from Tabletop Adventures.

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The Toymaker’s Winter Cap

Ever wondered how those darn toymakers manage to sneak toys into people’s houses anyway? Turns out it’s the magic hat! Tabletop Adventures provides another free magic item to stuff your winter stocking. Written for PFRPG 1st edition, it would be easy to use in other systems. You can download the PDF by clicking HERE.

If you’d like the opportunity to see other free items from Tabletop Adventures, and receive occasional e-mail about our activities, consider becoming one of our Honorary Minions. Just click “Honorary Minions” in to top bar, or click here to go to the sign-up (and sign-in) page. Within a couple days or so you should receive an e-mail with the code for the Honorary Minions’ secret page.

We hope you’re enjoying these little gifts so far, and you can look forward to seeing a couple more before Christmas!

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Stuff Your Stocking – Free!

A jolly snowman with a broomHo ho ho! Have you all been good GMs and players? We hope so, because Tabletop Adventures has a treat for your stocking. Between now and Christmas, we will be releasing a few winter and holiday themed magic items to liven up your game. (All items have stats for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game first edition, because that’s what the minions play, but the concepts could easily be translated to some other systems.) First up: the Jolly Snowman Pendant. Download a PDF of the write-up – and a coupon – here: Jolly Snowman Pendant

The coupon provides a code with which you can get a discount of 20% off a single order of Tabletop Adventures products at DriveThruRPG, and is good through January 15, 2025. That way you can have something nice for the holidays, and get a good start to your gaming in the New Year.

Happy Holidays, from the good people at Tabletop Adventures
and the Overlord.


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Bread and Circuses!

animated gif announcing a sale for the Overlord's BirthdayIt’s the Overlord’s birthday (All Hail!) and many festivities are taking place. (He is particularly entertained by the fire-eaters.) The minions of Tabletop Adventures invite you to join us as we celebrate by holding a sale in his honor! Now through November 25th, get any of Tabletop Adventures’ electronic products at 30% off the regular price, at DriveThruRPG.

This is your chance to pick up any Tabletop Adventures products you are missing, or try something a little different. For instance, check out our newest product! NPC Solos: Cap’n Marcroft, Rogue & Rake is the first in a line of occasional products focused around a single NPC. Get a back story to use (or ignore) and PFRPG1 stats for Marcroft at five different levels of scoundrel.

Also check out our Historical Fantasy line of products, now up to a dozen classics from the distant early years of 3rd Edition, brought back into publication by Tabletop Adventures. The latest there is I, Mordred, featuring a dark Camelot where Arthur is an aging, bitter king and Mordred is the champion of the people against their oppressor.

Get support for your futuristic space RPG, modern horror game, or fantasy setting. Join in as the minions, using processions and pageantry, attempt to bring a little cheer to the ever-stern face of the Overlord (All Hail!) without actually having to fight any wild animals. Celebrate the Overlord’s birthday by buying yourself a present, from Tabletop Adventures!

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Subscribe to Our Newsletter!

While there are already many minions who toil in the dungeons of the Overlord, he would also invite all and sundry to become Honorary Minions. This prestigious position actually comes with a few benefits, and no dungeon time unless you manage to present yourself to the Overlord in person, in which case any danger is on your own head.

The first benefit is to receive our infrequent newsletter. It is primarily announcements, with occasional requests for feedback (though feedback is welcome any time, of course) and sometimes a tidbit not yet available to the public. We have rarely sent out newsletters as much as twice a month. (Sometimes we haven’t managed twice a year. Ouch!) Increasing newsletter frequency is one of our goals for our 20th anniversary year, but we promise we will not spam your inbox in any case.

The other main benefit of being an Honorary Minion is to get access to the Honorary Minions’ Secret Page. This is a receptacle of free items (which may eventually be released to the public, but not necessarily) and some of those tidbits mentioned above, such as early notice of upcoming sales, or sneak peeks at possible products.

Just go to the Honorary Minions page and fill out the very easy, very short form to be added to our mailing list and gain access  to all the splendor… (ahem; got carried away) gain access to a few freebies and occasional news about Tabletop Adventures.

We appreciate all of our friends and fans over the years and hope you will allow us to stay in touch.

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Celebrating our 20th Anniversary!

Today, July 15th, 2024, is the 20th anniversary of the founding of Tabletop Adventures. We’ll be celebrating in several ways (more blog posts, a sale, bragging about it around the internet), and we’re not going to confine it to just one day. After all, for the next year a LOT of things will be having their 20th anniversary. (First publications, etc.) We’re just thrilled to have made it this far on this journey, and so appreciative of all of you who have traveled it with us.


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Moms Are Gamers, Too!

Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate! When we started this business twenty years ago, we felt like there weren’t as many women that played roleplaying games, especially ones who were moms. It seemed that moms had extra responsibilities that cut back on their gaming opportunities for quite a while. Since half our company was moms who played roleplaying games, we wanted to emphasize our support for that demographic! We started calling it out with our “Moms Are Gamers, Too” sale.

In addition to just having a sale, over the years we have offered special coupons to people who would tell us a story about a gamer mom. We’ve heard from a lot of husbands, several friends, and quite a number of gamer moms themselves. It’s obvious that there are a lot more moms involved in gaming than we ever knew before we became publishers, and we have been so glad to hear it!

We are indeed having our “Moms Are Gamers, Too” sale again this year, for the twentieth time – get 20% off any of our electronic products on DriveThruRPG through May 16th. On top of that, if you are a mom who is a gamer, have a mom who is a gamer, or know a mom who is a gamer, let us know her story! Sent in an account of the gamer mom you know (or are) to customerservice@tabletopadventures.com and we will send you a coupon for 40% off any one Tabletop Adventures product of your choice on DriveThruRPG.

Read a few of our previous gamer mom stories at the Moms Are Gamers, Too webpage.

Take advantage of these special offers to share something with any gamer mom you may have your life, and join us in celebrating gamer moms everywhere!

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