Author Archives: Tabletop
Final Days for RAD Bundle
There are just a few days left to get the Owen Stephens is RAD! bundle of electronic products on DriveThruRPG. Owen is a game designer and publisher who has worked on four editions of Dungeons and Dragons, two editions of … Continue reading
May the Fourth Be With You!
Happy Star Wars Day! In honor of this event, we present a fun little article we ran across recently about the music of Star Wars. It’s made to help parents introduce their kids to some musical concepts, but more importantly … Continue reading
Terrain Descriptions for Arbor Day
This week has been a big week, terrain-wise. Monday was Earth Day – which encompasses all sorts of terrain – and today is Arbor Day, which of course emphasizes trees. (Well, it’s Arbor Day in Nebraska, the home of the … Continue reading
Special Earth Day Bundle
Tabletop Adventures celebrates Earth Day with a special bundle of our descriptions of five types of natural terrain features: forest, swamp, plains, mountains, and caverns. (Of course, some features may only be ‘natural’ in a fantasy setting!) All the Bits of … Continue reading
Celebrating GM’s Day
Happy GM’s Day! For the twentieth year in a row, Tabletop Adventures celebrates game masters on their special day. As a company, there are only so many ways we can do something to make GMs’ lives easier. One is to … Continue reading
Introducing Classic Historical Fantasy
Let us introduce to you: the “Plain Brown Wrapper” line of Classic Historical Fantasy products! Tabletop Adventures has acquired a line of historical fantasy material previously published by Avalanche Press, Ltd. and we are excited to be re-issuing this classic … Continue reading
March 4th – Happy GM’s Day!
Once again that uniquely roleplaying holiday is upon us – GM’s Day! We use it to celebrate the people who bring worlds to life so the rest of us can play. As a commercial establishment, Tabletop Adventures would like to … Continue reading
How We Spent our Weekend – At Nuke-Con!
We had a great weekend at Nuke-Con! Our people ran some scheduled events (two “Map and Play” sessions, about methods of drawing maps for games, and some Against the Darkness) as well as a few pick-up games. It was so … Continue reading
Tabletop Adventures at Nuke-Con
This weekend Tabletop Adventures is going to be attending Nuke-Con, alive and in person! We’re excited to finally be back at a convention. We have a new sign, and some new shiny things to offer people. Our minions are running … Continue reading
Talk Like a Pirate, Mateys!
Arr, mateys! Today once more be Talk Like a Pirate Day! On this worrrthy occasion, the lubbers at Tabletop Adventures be callin’ attention to ye “Uncharted Isles.” These scribin’s tell o’ the islands o’ the southern seas, which might be … Continue reading