Moms Are Gamers, Too!

Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate! When we started this business twenty years ago, we felt like there weren’t as many women that played roleplaying games, especially ones who were moms. It seemed that moms had extra responsibilities that cut back on their gaming opportunities for quite a while. Since half our company was moms who played roleplaying games, we wanted to emphasize our support for that demographic! We started calling it out with our “Moms Are Gamers, Too” sale.

In addition to just having a sale, over the years we have offered special coupons to people who would tell us a story about a gamer mom. We’ve heard from a lot of husbands, several friends, and quite a number of gamer moms themselves. It’s obvious that there are a lot more moms involved in gaming than we ever knew before we became publishers, and we have been so glad to hear it!

We are indeed having our “Moms Are Gamers, Too” sale again this year, for the twentieth time – get 20% off any of our electronic products on DriveThruRPG through May 16th. On top of that, if you are a mom who is a gamer, have a mom who is a gamer, or know a mom who is a gamer, let us know her story! Sent in an account of the gamer mom you know (or are) to and we will send you a coupon for 40% off any one Tabletop Adventures product of your choice on DriveThruRPG.

Read a few of our previous gamer mom stories at the Moms Are Gamers, Too webpage.

Take advantage of these special offers to share something with any gamer mom you may have your life, and join us in celebrating gamer moms everywhere!

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