Moms Are Gamers, Too!

Moms who game are very important to us here at Tabletop Adventures. (Half the members of our company are moms who game!) Over the years, we have invited other gamers to share with us accounts of gamer moms who they know, or are. These are just a few of their stories. (Stories may have been edited slightly, for length, clarity, or privacy.)

I game with two ladies every Saturday night who are moms!… We play Pathfinder. One of their husbands is the DM, and he almost killed my character last week – I was 1hp away from permadead (my nearest-death experience thus far). Anyway, one of the moms plays our male half-orc fighter with a predilection for ballet (don’t ask) and has quite a few children. Her oldest son also joins us, playing a sorcerer.

One mom from California wrote,

I have always loved to play games whether they be board games, card games, role playing games, or extremely involved games with stories like Descent.

Recently a couple of friends of mine really introduced me to the world of gaming. I love gaming so much that I find myself going through withdrawals if I don’t get to game. Our family tries to make every weekend a game weekend. This weekend is Mother’s Day and my request was that we have to play Deadlands all weekend. What more could a Mom ask for than a fun filled weekend of gaming? Oh sure, diamonds are nice, but gaming with my family and friends, well let’s just say it’s priceless.

I’m proud to be a gamer!

Just letting you know about the best gamer mom out there – my wife! She started pen-n-paper gaming about 4 or 5 years ago, and prior to that she was hooked on several MUDs [multi-user dungeons] while in college. Now she is totally hooked on D&D and on long drives to visit family, the kids will be in back watching a movie and we’ll often be up front having long discussions about our campaigns and characters. Also, when we had to drop out of our regular group for a while when our second child was born (of 3), the two of us started our own sporadic campaign. Years later when we need a “gaming fix” outside of our regular weekly campaign, we still have our own side one running. Lastly, she not only manages to watch all 3 kids during the day as a stay at home mom, but she usually whips up some yummy treat with the kids’ help every Wednesday for when “Mama and Papa’s friends come over to play”.

One lady wrote about a friend of hers.

I’d like to share with you a mom who is a gamer who I play with, at her house.  Her husband runs the game.  

What is so funny is that the tabletop is turned in the case of their games:  The kids don’t play and couldn’t care less.  My friends and I are all about 50 years of age, and back in the day, the adults couldn’t care less, and it was us as the kids that played these newfangled tabletop games.  I still play D&D (1E) and Call of Cthulhu pretty regularly!

One gentleman sent in this about his wife:

Her name is Michele, and she has been a gamer for nearly two decades.  She even has our oldest two children playing with our gaming group now.  She truly loves playing druids and shape shifters, and is currently our GM for Rappan Athuk.

[Being familiar with that megadungeon, we here at Tabletop Adventures have a lot of respect for that lady!]


Thank you to everyone who has shared about a mom in gaming. If you know a gamer mom, we’d be delighted to hear even more stories; send them to Happy Mother’s Day, and we wish you good gaming!