Subscribe to Our Newsletter!

While there are already many minions who toil in the dungeons of the Overlord, he would also invite all and sundry to become Honorary Minions. This prestigious position actually comes with a few benefits, and no dungeon time unless you manage to present yourself to the Overlord in person, in which case any danger is on your own head.

The first benefit is to receive our infrequent newsletter. It is primarily announcements, with occasional requests for feedback (though feedback is welcome any time, of course) and sometimes a tidbit not yet available to the public. We have rarely sent out newsletters as much as twice a month. (Sometimes we haven’t managed twice a year. Ouch!) Increasing newsletter frequency is one of our goals for our 20th anniversary year, but we promise we will not spam your inbox in any case.

The other main benefit of being an Honorary Minion is to get access to the Honorary Minions’ Secret Page. This is a receptacle of free items (which may eventually be released to the public, but not necessarily) and some of those tidbits mentioned above, such as early notice of upcoming sales, or sneak peeks at possible products.

Just go to the Honorary Minions page and fill out the very easy, very short form to be added to our mailing list and gain access  to all the splendor… (ahem; got carried away) gain access to a few freebies and occasional news about Tabletop Adventures.

We appreciate all of our friends and fans over the years and hope you will allow us to stay in touch.

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