Final Days for RAD Bundle

Cover image: "Owen Stephens is RAD" bundle on DriveThruRPGThere are just a few days left to get the Owen Stephens is RAD! bundle of electronic products on DriveThruRPG. Owen is a game designer and publisher who has worked on four editions of Dungeons and Dragons, two editions of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, helped write the Star Wars Saga Edition rpg, and many more. He has been undergoing continuing treatment for cancer and a number of fellow publishers have come together to offer him support.

This bundle on DriveThruRPG includes over $1100 worth of RPG products for a mere $29.95, and all proceeds (after minimal costs at DriveThru) go directly to Owen. If you haven’t already seen it, check it out now as this particular bundle will only be available through May 14.

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